Peekazoo Premium

4.9 ( 9019 ratings )
Développeur Ozymandia
0.99 USD

“I almost forgot that I had kids.” -Jean-Pierre, Paris

“My daughter now knows more animals than I do.” -Ada, Paris

“So much better than all the apps with cartoon animals!” -Alois, Lyon

“The sounds are so real!” -Patrick, Marseille

Learn the names of all the animals, and listen to the sounds they make.

This is an educational app for kids, containing real photographs of animals in their natural habitat, as well as thrilling real sounds.

Mouton, cheval, singe, taureau, lion, coq, manchot, gnou, buffle dAfrique, yak, éléphant, chameau, vache, renard, girafe, bourdon, gorille, ours, renne, rhinocéros, papillon, baudet, baleine, ours blanc, pélican, maki catta, panda, taupe, zèbre, lapin, autruche, fourmilier, puma, lynx, phoque, hippopotame, dauphin, hérisson, requin, léopard, crevette, escargot, araignée, tortue, mille-pattes, ver, porc, lézard, tigre, crocodile, perroquet, raton laveur, coccinelle, paresseux, lycaon, orque, paon, grenouille, tortue marine, hibou, chauve-souris, morse, hyène, phacochère, koala, élan, bæuf musqué, suricate, castor, antilope, mouffette, kangourou, crabe, écureuil, loup, coyote, moustique, serpent, lama, tapir, buffles deau, dinde, pigeon, mouette, chien, corneille, tamia, chat, flamant, aigle, guépard, bison, chèvre, rat, poulpe, méduse, caméléon, jaguar, cerf